SIEMENS NX EXERCISESDo you want to learn how to design 2D and 3D models in your favorite Computer Aided Design (CAD) software such as NX or SolidWorks? Look no further. We have designed 200 CAD exercises that will help you to test your CAD skills.What’s included in the SIEMENS NX EXERCISES book?Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or an expert, these CAD exercises will challenge you. The book contains 200 3D models and practice drawings or exercises.-Each exercise contains images of the final design and exact measurements needed to create the design.-Each exercise can be designed on any CAD software which you desire. It can be done with AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor, DraftSight, Fusion 360, Solid Edge, Catia, PTC Creo and other feature-based CAD modeling software.-It is intended to provide Drafters, Designers and Engineers with enough CAD exercises for practice on NX.-It includes almost all types of exercises that are necessary to provide, clear, concise and systematic information required on industrial machine part drawings.-Third Angle Projection is intentionally used to familiarize Drafters, Designers and Engineers in Third Angle Projection to meet the expectation of worldwide Engineering drawing print.-This book is for Beginner, Intermediate and Advance CAD users.-Clear and well drafted drawing help easy understanding of the design.-These exercises are from Basics to Advance level.-Each exercises can be assigned and designed separately.-No Exercise is a prerequisite for another. All dimensions are in mm.PrerequisiteTo design & develop models, you should have knowledge of NX. Student should have knowledge of Orthographic views and projections. Student should have basic knowledge of engineering drawings.
Editora : Independently Published (29 abril 2019)
Idioma : Inglês
Capa comum : 112 páginas
ISBN-10 : 1096311216
ISBN-13 : 978-1096311218
Dimensões : 19.05 x 0.64 x 23.5 cm
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